At our core, we aim to help individuals and organizations pause - exploring the macro view - to inform better on-the-ground action, awakening everyone's full potential.
Our clients and their employees ache for solutions that mitigate the challenges of the modern workplace (e.g., unprecedented levels of stress and anxiety, isolation, burnout, distraction, conflict, lack of clarity and accountability, and silo'd environments) in service of truly collaborative achievement and alignment.
Following thousands of hours spent coaching and facilitating leaders at organizations of all sizes, The Aligned Leadership Model emerged as a proven framework that enables a shift toward leading from the highest self with confidence. While the beauty of the model is its simplicity, it is far from easy to implement. The truth is, it's a lifelong practice to build the muscles (neuropathways!) that allow us to disrupt our Western cultural and social conditioning that seems to focus on productivity over substance. Who are being while we are doing all.the.things? Is it aligned with the most authentic version of ourselves? Is it aligned with our stakeholders and the best outcomes possible? What might be possible if it were?
Emotional Intelligence (EI/EQ) theory combined with mindfulness practices is core to the process. When we establish the capacity for self-awareness and self-management we are then able to participate more authentically, fully, and boldly in relationship with others.
We bring the model and frameworks to every program we offer, whether a leadership development program, a team intervention, a strategic planning session, or a personal desire for heightened performance.