*Simple, not easy. The Aligned Leadership Model™ is straight-forward in nature while the first step presents a great challenge: the capacity to PAUSE. Our 24/7 always-on digital environments along with the global complexities and uncertainties we're navigating at scale distract us from being with - and connecting to - what's happening at any given moment. Who has the time, desire, or capacity to pause? The science confirms that we don't have time NOT to. And, while it is counterintuitive - requiring committed practice and discipline - what becomes possible when we do invest the time to create capacity for presence is limitless. The trick is to start small and build aptitude over time.
Here's a glimpse into each "stage":
AWARENESS: What is present? The simple act of 'hitting the pause button' can have profound implications. Eliminating distractions, we are with the present moment, not ruminating over the past, not charging into the future, nor staying 'asleep' to what is. This state of heightened awareness and deep connection to the present moment is known as presencing, allowing for a clearer, more resonant, experience. It's the opposite of the perhaps more conditioned state of absencing: where we're detached from the present reality bypassing vital yet often uncomfortable information available in the here and now.
ATTENTION: What is important? What is noise vs. an important signal? How might we attune to and challenge our limited perceptions, biases, and assumptions? Honing our ability to notice triggers and emotions, while listening with curiosity and wonder (suspending judgment and a need to be right) empowers us to attend to what matters most in this moment.
INTENTION: What do I (we) want? Check in with your purpose, ultimate vision, values, core guideposts, and sources: what is the impact I want to make? What is at stake? Consider all perspectives, stakeholders, and ideal outcomes. What influence is ego playing and/or distorting? How might these considerations inform what wants to happen?
ACTION: What will I (we) actually do? Triple-win (me, you, us) outcomes live here! Moving forward more connected, informed, and aligned, staying aware of the experience, the outcomes, the impacts, and the learnings. This awareness feeds back into the cycle, promoting continuous improvement and adaptability.
As you explore these stages you'll discover the model offers multiple advantages:
- While challenging at first, the Aligned Leadership Model is a learnable repeatable framework for creating more mindful responses to the multi-faceted realities of whatever we're interacting with - inside ourselves and the unique ecosystems we operate within.
- It is adaptable as a personal processing method to be integrated in real-time, and, as a framework to hold groups through specific topics and ideations.
- The model's versatility allows for flexible application: it can be followed step-by-step as a linear process for structured problem-solving or used dynamically as a fluid framework for real-time decision-making and continuous awareness. For example, you might move through each stage sequentially in a planned strategy session, yet in a fast-paced crisis, you may cycle rapidly through the stages, adapting as new information emerges.
- We're here to walk you through it.
And we invite you to play with it! Take any topic or meaningful challenge and try it on, stepping into the invitation of each stage and considering: What new information or insights are uncovered? What is most challenging? Where does greater alignment with the impact you want to create exist?